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Friday, 9 December 2011

Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction & Population Reduction. NWO Agenda. (EXPLICIT)

Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction (PIED) & Population Reduction. NWO Agenda. (EXPLICIT)


There is an alarming growth rate of men who can not maintain an erection, whilst with a 'flesh and bones' female. Delayed ejaculation and sluggish erections are also becoming a big problem, for many men.

Back in the days when Playboy was the only sort of porn you would see, or maybe it was your mother's catalogues that did it for you. Now porn is accessible 24hours 7 days a week and it is usually free. The age restrictions on these sites are also ridiculous because all you have to do is click a button to agree that you are over 18.

There has been scientific research that shows that constant use of porn is actually changing men's brain patterns and the way that they think about life and most importantly what they think about women.

Here is a quote from the website :

Not long ago, Italian urologists confirmed an erectile dysfunction-porn use connection via a large survey. When interviewed about the survey, urologist Carlo Foresta (head of the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine and professor at the University of Padua) mentioned that 70 percent of the young men seeking clinical help for sexual performance problems admit to using Internet pornography habitually.

So what is happening in the brain of a man who is addicted to porn?

Normally, masturbation is a healthy sexual behaviour. But like other behaviours , when over practised (maximum 2 times a week) it can lead to both psychological and physiological imbalances. Frequent masturbation and ejaculation will stimulate the acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous functions. Excessive masturbation and ejaculation can, and often times will, result in over-production of sex hormones and neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin. An unnatural abundance of these hormones and neurotransmitters can cause the brain and adrenal glands to perform excessive dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion, in turn, making the brain and bodily functions perform at an extreme level. In other words, there is a huge change in body chemistry when one masturbates excessively.

Can I also add here that all porn is run by the CIA. Google or whichever search engine you use, can probably tell you your sexual preferences before you 
could even think of them! 
Something to bear in mind.

Going back to the original playboy magazines. There were cartoons in these magazines mocking men's impotence, that they knew would be coming for them further along the line. In one of these cartoons we see a very attractive lady laying down in bed. The man she is with is looking at a magazine that he has placed over her stomach and is masturbating. This my dear friends is how it has become today. There are many, many men out there who can 'get off' by themselves but can not even 'get it up' for a real flesh and bones woman!

You may know someone yourself who is going through this, you may be the wife or girlfriend of a man 'suffering' I say suffering, but it is mostly the woman that suffers, mentally and physically, the woman will lose self esteem and at worst a woman can lose her sex drive all together. You may be a man suffering from this.

If you are regularly using porn, did you know it is effecting your brain? Your brain has become 're-wired' 
The constant hits of Endorphins and Dopamines that your brain receives is what you are addicted too. 
It is that endorphin/dopamine hit that you crave. 
Whilst also re-wiring you penis's sensitivity. If you dick is used to cuming by "Death Grip" then is it any wonder that you dick can lose sensation whilst it is in a vagina? 
A vagina IS NOT a vice tool. 
A vagina can not compare to a hand around your member. Your mind has made you forget that a vagina is warm and wet, it is a more comfortable and natural place for your cock to be. When a woman is really enjoying sex and there has been foreplay which involves the clitoris, then we can contract our muscles, the wetness is what your brain has forgotten about. You guys have just forgotten how good the pussy feels!! Think about it now, does your hand really compare to a woman's vagina?? But for some guys they just can not perform with a woman.

This makes Me really sad. Most men are somewhat aware of the situation they find themselves in, but they are unwilling to help themselves and some are not even willing to explore this as a reason for their failed sex life or the fact that they have been single for so long, choosing instead to continue to masturbate. Some younger men have never even felt a woman's body. watching porn will not teach you anything about a real woman's body I'm afraid.

So what has this got to do with the NWO and Population Reduction?

PLENTY my friend. For those of you who claim to be 'awake' yet you are still 'tugging' on your dick nightly/daily whatever it may be. Then you are still attached to the system like an intravenous drip.

If your seed is constantly going down the toilet, into a tissue or down the shower. Then who are you getting pregnant? If you and your wife/partner are constantly trying to make love and you can not hold your erection, who you getting pregnant? That is population control/reduction right there!

The powers that be, knew this would happen. In comes Big-Pharma. Why do you think they created Viagra?? Now even sex is on them. You may have an erection. But it will cost you.

To you young guys who are reading this. This is not normal. DO NOT think that it is. You SHOULD NOT be using Viagra in your early 20's!!

So if you are suffering from this, then what can you do?

First of all, you need to be honest with yourself, and admit that this is what is going on with you.

You need to leave your dick the hell alone. You need to abstain from Porn, Masturbating, Fantasy and Orgasm (PMFO)

Re-booting your brain.

The best thing about it guys is that this is totally reversible. Depending on your usage of porn it can take 6-12 weeks for your brain to return to normal. It will take strength and will power. But by the end of the process you will have gained the proper use of your penis, proper sensitivity will return, so will natural erections, approaching woman will also become easier, because you will start to see women in a different light. Women are not just fantasy figures, we are real people with real emotions and we too have sexual needs and desires. Sex I'm afraid is not just made for you guys, you have to stop thinking that. You have to stop being so selfish and grow up.

Websites that will help you:

Good luck guys, I hope you are having natural happy loving sex soon.

Here are some interesting facts.
The statistics are truly staggering. 
According to compiled numbers from respected news and research organisations, every second $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography. Every second 28,258 Internet users are viewing pornography. In that same second 372 Internet users are typing adult search terms into search engines. Every 39 minutes a new pornographic video is being created in the U.S.

(I would say double those figures...)

It’s big business. The pornography industry has larger revenues than Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo, Apple and Netflix combined.

Commercially, its success has been huge, netting its maker Pfizer, the pharmaceutical firm, £1.5 billion annually. About 30 million men in 120 countries take it, with nine tablets being prescribed every second.

In England, the NHS spent £58 million on Viagra last year and dispensed 17 million prescriptions - 8.3 million to men under 60.

So the message today is whilst you have been wasting so many hours playing with yourself, the world has been changing and laws are being passed, that threaten human rights. Ridding yourself of porn addiction will take you out of this dream state your mind is now in. It will take hard work. You have all been duped into thinking 'you are a real man if you watch porn' but ask yourself this, 

are you a real man if 
you can not make love to 
a real 


  1. So are ANY of you guys brave enough to comment on this piece? This NEEDS to be discussed and NEEDS to be brought out into the open. Are YOU suffering this way? What lead you to read my article? Let's talk about it. Comment anonymously.

  2. Sexual dysfunction can be devastating for any man and his partner. Not only does it impair the quality of life, but also exposes the individual to a horde of psycho social problems. Erectile dysfunction is typically treated with oral medication, Sildenafil (Viagra) being the first of such drugs approved by the FDA for such use. However, use of medical treatment of erectile dysfunction (or more commonly known as Impotence) has a certain failure rate which ranges from 30 - 45%.

  3. I have been googling allot about the NWO because I am seeing things escalate. I ran across this and believe you have hit the nail on the head! Yeah, anything to "stimulate the economy" to go right into the wallets of the elite, and decrease the population. This is an effective way to do it. As for the psychological, ED has escalated. More and more of my buddies are saying that their wives want them to take the little blue pill. Well, this explains allot. We know now why they have these issues in the first place. The blue pill probably also shortens lifespan, which also decreases the population. Also, is there any wonder why divorce rate is so high? If women aren't respected, do the math!

  4. Being 58 years old, I thought my increasing erectile dysfuntion was due to age, then I started reading online. I cut out all porn and masturbation. Now 3 weeks later I am waking each morning with a really nice hard erection. Goodbye Porn....Hello Woody!!!

    1. That's absolutely awesome and proves that any man can do it if they put there mind to it and really want to change for the better spiritually and physically. Your should be so damn proud of yourself! It warms my heart. :)

  5. I"m 32 and have been suffering from this since I was like 14. I used to wonder if porn was the problem and now all this stuff online has been coming up. I've had some success in getting away from porn. I know I can do it, the hard part for me is getting away from masturbation. Hopefully I can find a girlfriend and have a normal sex life with someone I care about and that cares about me. Thanks for the information on this site!

    1. Thank you for your comment. now you know what it is, you can easily fix it. Read, write go for a run. There are more useful more helpful things you can do that will help you with this addiction. Good Luck. You will get there. One Love

  6. What a great article. I have been through this for 17 years blimey its longer than I thought. I stuck with it god knows I wanted to walk out so many times and nearly did. It's taken this long to make him realize what a jerk he's been all this time. Finally for the three years he is a changed person after counselling. The trouble is it is such an accepted thing in the world that people think your not normal if you dont. What they fail to realize is that they are not normal and live in a fantasy world and never experience true love and intimacy. I think the problem here is a fear of intimacy.

  7. I am so glad your partner decided to seek help. I hope things work out for you. maybe you could get him to read this article and the comments.

    Thank you for sharing your story with us.

  8. you can buy subliminal mp3s to help you overcome porn addiction x

    1. You do not need subliminals to help you. Your mind is strong enough to deal with this once you realize it is the problem x

  9. Thanx Jackie.

    1. You are welcome. If this article helped you, then please pass it on. Lets share this information. One Love

  10. its a very interesting observation id never considered before thanks;-)

  11. I was reading this article, and i already knew that i am an online porn addict for a long time. But now i know some more of the consequences involved, wich shocked me quite frankly, wich is good!! I don't have an erection problem, but i became insecure in approaching women. Due to this addiction, my view on women went to tunnelvision, twisted and far from reality. I am 40 now, and gonna overcome this problem, whatever it takes. Going to Peru soon and staying there with a shaman/ ayahuasceiro to overcome this together with some other issues. I will fully reset my brain again. Thanks for the insight.

  12. This isn't in any way an attack on women, so don't get blown up about it, but the attack is on masculinity, not as much femininity, they know the majority of resistance will come from the common man.... ED is a male-first problem, it's the guy experiencing it, he looses his self esteem too, he's suffering as much if not more than she is... A major part of his manhood has been taken from him.

    When you look at it, all the pied pipers of the truth movement (which is controlled opposition, funded by the CIA), guys like Alan Watt, Michael Tsarion, Glen Kealey, Peter Joseph, David Icke, Credo Mutwa, Malachi York, Russel Means, Acharya S., the list goes on and on, what do they all promote in common? Three things which tie together?

    1) They all promote a matriarchal stance, in a blatantly misandrist day and age.
    2) They all promote theosophical beliefs (theosophy is practically a feminist religion). If you think Alan Watt doesn't promote these things, get his book CTTM series, read through it very carefully.
    3) Synarchy:

    Reason why they place women over men, is because women are generally (statistically) more susceptible to authoritarianism than are men. Hence why 2/3 of propaganda is aimed at women. They had similar feminist type movement leading up to Nazi Germany and USSR, look it up. It's never about empowering women, it's about disempowering men. Men make up most of the resistance.

    Lets look at this here legitimately, challenge this myth of male power that is so entrenched into western culture, even the truth movement exploits it, so lets examine what's really going on here, shall we:

    I'm not saying join the men's movement, don't join any movements, however, the men's movement is the missing link here from what the truth movement is pushing. I suggest looking into it, read the following books:

    Myth of Male Power- By Warren Farrell
    The Manipulated Man- By Esthar Vilar (female author, she got death threats for writing this book)

  13. They are also using our vices against us, it's not just porn, it's also any recreational drug use, particularly marijuana and alcohol. They've been shown to raise estrogen levels.... Now I don't think it is so much recreational drugs themselves so much as it is something being put in them. And I say this, knowing that men have used alcohol, and even weed, sometimes on a regular basis, for thousands of years. But not until very recent generations have large numbers of seemingly younger and younger men had to face ED because of this. The rastas, made a lifestyle and a religion on weed, surely, if some major ED epidemic was sweeping them it would have taken no time to get out to the public.... But they've done it for generations with no complaints.

    That being said, I can't deny the stuff they are putting on the streets or in the markets today in America and probably most westernized nations, does seem to be raising the ED crisis. And one has to question why, the government seems all too willing to move towards legalizing weed. They're not doing it so people can enjoy a good ole buzz,,,, I can promise you that, they're getting something out of it.... And what are they getting out of it?

    After 20 yrs of being a heavy pot head myself, I am now 34 and facing ED, I smoked several times a day for years... But I'm not alone in that camp, weed is the most highly abused drug among young folks in America today. Almost all my younger friends smoke at least once a day, if not several times... When they hit their 30's, they too will be facing this problem.... And Big Pharma is licking their lips and clutching and rubbing their palms, thinking about selling all those little blue and yellow boner pills.

  14. They are hard at pushing this New Age religion and lifestyle..... See, (for those of you who watched Zeitgeist's breakdown of religion), well, we're headed into a New Age, the next stage of the global business plan here. The new 1 world religion is coming into play.

    Left/right paradigm from an occult breakdown, look at a compass, the E is on the right, the W is on the left.... So, TPTB are mimicking the travels of the sun, which rises in the E (right) and sets in the W (left)... Therefore, the right wing represents the past (Age we are moving out of) and the left wing represents the future (Age we are going into). The populace is largely lead to thinking "the left are the good guys" (even though there are no good guys), so they have their guards down more on the left. Now leftist ideologies are becoming mainstream.

    So now, they are pushing this "go vegan" junk..... I can not tell you how often I've seen this "vegan is the new viagra."

    Well think about this, I'll quote Alan Watt here:

    "And they have said that we should stop eating red meat. Now what's the Royal Society doing telling us to stop eating red meat? You see. Until you tie it in with their agenda, because we find that H.G. Wells in his book, Utopia, and he was an earlier member of the same organizations. He said the world we'll bring in will be vegetarian. Completely vegetarian worldwide. You find the same thing in Toffler's book, Alvin Toffler, the big Futurist, the pal of Newt Gingrich, who gave out his book to every Congressman in the U.S. and it's called The Third Wave. And in it he says, the world we shall bring in will be vegetarian and it must be so. He doesn't say why. So, right down to what we eat, vegetarian, diet and all the rest of it, it's all planned for us. And under saving the environment, they're going to force us off protein.

    Believe you me. Because, why protein? When you look at India, and these guys use histories, very ancient histories, and recent and modern histories as well, to the full. And they always have historians on board and philosophers, you'll find in the top think tanks. India has been ruled basically by Brahmans, the Brahman caste for thousands of years. And the most easy people to get to obey you, they're kind of sluggish in certain ways and so on, are people who are malnourished on a very minimal diet. I'm talking about a full vegetarian diet here. Once they're in charge of your food, you'll find that even the vegetables will become restricted and restricted, until you're missing out on vital Amino Acids and so on, but you're very compliant, you're not too bright, you do what you're told, you certainly will never rebel. And that's the technique, that's why they want to bring in the vegetarian world."

    So you can see how they are pushing this hipster sort of puritanism, to usher in the New Age....

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