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Thursday, 17 November 2011

NASA name Chemtrails now they are clouds!!

NASA recently in listed the help of very young students worldwide. They were asked to validate earth-observing satellite,by observing and recording clouds that they had seen, then recording their observations online.(

The young students made their observations and just like a NASA scientist they then had to submit their report, for their area. The student received a corresponding cloud observation from a NASA satellite, so they could compare and learn.

Now this is all good you might say.

When I went onto the NASA website to see the pictures that the students had submitted. I could only find the 100,000th cloud observation, which was made in Mexico. The clouds they observed on the 11/11/11 were:

'altocumulus and cirrostratus'

Now if like myself you have been interested in the recent change to the world, what with the edition of 'chemtrails' and /or 'persistent contrails' Then you, like myself will be able to see that these are man made clouds, you can clearly see in this NASA picture that there are straight lines going through the sky! This has come from a plane and now NASA is calling it cloud!? WTF!?

Do they really think we are that dumb? How clever of them to choose very young students to observe these clouds and to put into their minds that these clouds are normal. This is propaganda/brainwashing. If you have young children then they are being blatantly lied to. This makes me so angry. How dare you NASA.

When people first started to notice the spraying. The official story was that it was just condensation. Then we were told that it was persistent contrails.... now we are told that it is a natural phenomena and these are clouds!

Here are a few pictures I myself have taken of ChemicalTrails being sprayed from planes.
NOT God made clouds!!! But man made:

All the above pictures I took myself. I witnessed the chemtrails coming out of the aircraft and forming these lines in the sky. The lines then spread rapidly to form a cloud which then becomes a haze which fills the whole sky. Quite often the horizon looks foggy where I live and I can no longer see the town center as I live on a hill!! So you see for yourself that the picture from NASA CLEARLY shows the trails from an aircraft. To them it is only cloud! I think that NASA has lost the plot big time!!!

What ever this may be, it can no longer be hidden or covered up. NO amount of propaganda or lies can conceal this now NASA/Government...............THE PEOPLE ARE ONTO YOU!

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