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Friday, 16 March 2012

Frack Off!! Hose Pipe Ban From 5thApril?

A hose pipe ban and water restrictions will soon be in forced in the south of England.

England has recently been fracking for gas.

Fracking is Hydraulic fracturing. Chemicals and millions of gallons of water are used to shoot deep down into the ground to release gas. The small amounts of gas that are found, do not merit the amount of water that is being used.

Fracking has also been the cause of many earthquakes across the world. fracking is destabilising earths crust.

Not only does fracking waste a lot of water, it is also destroying the water that we do have left. The chemicals used in fracking are entering the water we use. It is entering the soil too.

We must also ask ourselves is it worth destroying earth for small amounts of gas? Surely now is the time for us all to have/demand free energy. Free energy is already in use by the Military. The use of free energy technology could and should be changing the world.

The technology we are given today is nothing compared to what the military community have.

Check out this video: Area 51 Americas Book Of Secrets.(FULL)

Technology that can help humanity should be freely available to all.

In England people want the best phone, the quickest Internet connection, always something to 'selfserve'. In parts of the world, they would just like a light when it gets dark. They would like to turn a tap to get water, and not have to walk miles to fetch a pale.

I am going off subject here, as is my way lol

So back to fracking and hose pipe bans. How dare these people try to blame us for our water usage. They are now saying if we restrict our water usage and if we all do it, then things should be OK come summertime.

Millions of gallons used for fracking....hose pipe ban. Ummm something not right there

Stay strong folks. Do what you can to raise awareness, after all that is why you are here, you either remember, or have yet to recall...


1 comment:

  1. I can't believe so few people have linked these two subjects together. Fracking and the hosepipe ban. When they talked of a ban i knew almost straight away something was fishy about it.
